Vision for the Library
Thanks to the generous support of the PTO and donations from families our library continues to maintain a high standard of the latest and best books. With the help of very dedicated classroom volunteers, I'm looking forward to another year of providing students with an exceptional library experience during their class visits. My goal is for a library that is a safe and friendly sanctuary for students to find truthful and interesting materials that stimulate their imaginations and cultivates their empathy for other humans and our planet.
About Mary Shields
I'm a long-time Pacifica resident and my now-adult children attended Cabrillo Elementary. I've always worked in educational settings, most recently as Programs Manager at Hidden Villa in Los Altos, where I developed school age Social Emotional Learning and Next Generation Science Standard explorations of the organic farm and wilderness. It was a marvelous learning laboratory - kids just can't help but be filled with wonder and curiosity when they're milking a real live cow, or boulder hopping across a roaring creek in the forest. All programs included a strong literature component as well, since books and information access are vital to getting kids to the next level in their opening up to new ideas. Prior to Hidden Villa I was a Scholastic Publishing representative and helped hundreds of schools and librarians over the years achieve their literacy goals at their school book fair. Being your librarian is a dream job for me - I'm so excited to be here with your amazing kids!
A great way to support the library is by ordering books from our library wishlist to help fill our shelves with the best books for our students. (All donations are 100% tax deductible.)
Wondering if our school library carries a book? Feel free to look it up on our online catalog.
Find books at the right level for your student.
Visit our local Pacifica Libraries.
We're always looking for more volunteers in our library! We provide training and a helpful library volunteer handbook. Thanks for helping to foster the love of reading!
The book fairs are popular events that encourage reading, stay tuned for more information on dates and how to volunteer.
Visit our local Pacifica libraries.