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Vallemar PTO Presents our third annual

March 1st - 24th


Student Prizes 

Sign Up (Send 3 Emails)- Cool Bookmark

Raise $25 - Homework Pass

Raise $50 - Popsicle Pass 

Raise $100 - Crazy Eye ring

Raise $150 - Front of the Line Pass

Items below will be distributed after the event

Raise $250 - T-Shirt

Raise $500 - Jump Zone Pass


Top Raiser(s) 

2 Tickets to Great America (1 Prize per school)


Top readers:

For each grade get's lunch with the principal *Grades 6-8 (1000 minutes minimum)


Class prizes:

100% Participation - Popsicle Party

Top Earning Class (K-3 and 4-8)- The teacher gets a $50.00 gift card to Amazon

Each class raising $3,000 get an extra recess




If we raise $35,000 the top raisers from each class will get to slime the principal at the next school event!


Why We Raise Money

The Vallemar PTO Read-A-Thon is a fundraising event. The PTO is a non-profit that funds technology, arts, sports, field trips, and more programs vital to your child’s experience. With your help every child will benefit.

What is the Goal?

This year we would like to raise $35,000. If every participant can raise $75 we can achieve our goal, and win prizes too!  Sending pledge requests is easy & cute & effective!

Grandparents, aunts, uncles, and close friends would happily donate if asked.  And PledgeStar makes it fun and easy to ask.


Parents simply enter family and friends' names and email addresses or text message numbers, then PledgeStar sends personalized pledge requests from the children that are cute and effective.  Over half result in donations. 


Parents can even post the pledge requests on social media like Facebook. PledgeStar also streamlines the

process with secure, online donations that go directly into the school's account.


All donations are tax deductible and may qualify for matching with your employer.


Register your child at and follow the simple registration steps. It takes just minutes to set-up your child’s own fundraising page to request pledges. When participants request pledges, they can win special prizes.


How It Works

Students start reading March 1-24 and keep track of their minutes
Students can also include any minutes they read in class.  And TK, Kinder, and First graders can count storytime – any time they a
re read to – in their totals.

To be eligible for prizes, students/parents must transfer their reading minutes into the Online Reading Log.  And all minutes must be entered by 10pm, March 24th for final prize calculations.  All money due to the office/online 3/25/2024.

Choose Your Reading Goal

Pick a personal, attainable goal … that makes you STRETCH to achieve it!
Every student is different! Personalize your goal to your level. Your teacher can also help you set an appropriate goal.


Grade TK and K - 20-75 minutes per day

Grade 1st - 40-75 minutes per day

Grade 2cd - 40-90 minutes per day

Grade 3rd - 40-120 minutes per day

Grade 4th-8th - 60-120 minutes per day



Log Your Minutes
Parents and Students can enter reading minutes in the online READING LOG. 

The READING LOG is located in the ENTER READERS section on


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